Medical Blogs
News, Reviews, Tips and GossipA Rare Opportunity
Dr.Sara and Dr.Tom doing doubles, I'm sure you are aware there are very few who Dr.Sara doubles with so this is not a date that should be missed...... The date is the 3rd of July, the venue is The Practice in MiltonKeynes To book contact Dr.Sara at...
We are under no illusion about the internet and how long it takes to get a web site established, and let's be honest to make any advertising worth paying for the site has to generate click throughs and so really needs to be established..... So that makes all our...
Hello all, So why another Mistress listing site you may ask, well, we feel there is need, there are more and more professionals now adding various types of medical play to their skill sets, some still doing it in the dungeon and some with their own dedicated medical...