Fetish Medical Professionals in the UK

Practitioners that have dedicated medical facilities or space dedicated to medical fetish play here in the UK

Fetish Medical Professionals in Europe and WorldWide

Practitioners that have dedicated medical facilities or space dedicated to medical play in the EU and the wider world.

What The Medical Mistress Guide Is for….

A place for Fetish Medical Practitioners to advertise their presence. Read guest bloggers to share news and information & easy access to lists of MedFet goodies by fet friendly suppliers!



All who join are eligable to submit a guest blog which will appear for others to read, be it news of yourself or info you’d like to pass on…..

Fetish Friendly Suppliers

Banners with the wares supplied listed below, all are either fetish friendly or indeed fetish businesses in their own right…

Free Listings

Anyone who has a dedicated space for MedFet or performs MedFet within their play space can have an advert completely free, all you need do is send a few pictures a url to link to in an email and as soon as time allows you’ll be on the site.

Paid Listings

Much the same as a free add, contact us for prices, once you are happy a few pictures a little about yourself and where you are located etc and your box will then appear above the free add’s & link to a page on the site, this in turn will then be promoted in the usual places…


Throughout the site you will see banners at the top and bottom of pages, if you’d like to see your banner on a page then email for prices and we’ll get you on there…

The Medical Mistress Guide

Whilst Medical Fetish Play is not new, it is this past few years very much a growth part of the industry…

Most Mistress listing sites allow you to post as a medical specialist some even allow two listings but in amongst the many many listings for dungeon based Domme’s there is a tendancy for them to be **Lost in the crowd** so to speak….

We hope The Medical Mistress Guide will contribute to changing that for the better…

Medical Mistress of The Month

Medical Mistress of The Month

Mistress Morgan Sterling

visiting L.A in the Us, then give this amazing Lady a visit, well equiped, vastly experienced, one of the best


A page of banners leading to suppliers of MedFet disposables and equipment, a link through with lists of goods available beneath each banner hopefully making life easier


There are many Mistresses offering mentoring to new and experienced alike but MedFet specialists willing to share are a rarity, here we can point you in the right direction.


There are many Mistresses offering mentoring to new and experienced alike but MedFet specialists willing to share are a rarity, here we can point you in the right direction.

Guide Information

Free Listings

Free to anyone who practices Medical Fetish Play. A photo and a URL is all thats needed

Paid Listings

Paid Premium listings that lead to your dedicated page, information about you, your media presence and links to sites and social platforms, and direct email facility.

Paid Banners

Banner options in promiment places on the site for those wanting to increase their exposure.

Start  Advertising Today!